recently featured the article of KVUE News writer Ashley Goudeau where she cited the efforts of a home improvement retailer and a water conservation coalition to educate residents of Austin, Texas on the ways to save water. By spearheading workshops for the residents, these two entities aim to urge Texans to appreciate the value of this life-giving natural resource.
Texas has been suffering from drought since 2010, getting only short-lived rain showers every so often. As the state hasn’t shown any significant signs of recovering from the drought, residents have been asked to conserve water by fixing pipes and leaks, and upgrading to water conserving systems in their homes—services that Austin plumbing experts like can offer. They can detect and fix leaks, and repair and replace faucets to prevent critical water loss and wastage.
Businesses and residents in Austin have been feeling the heat as water bills continue to rise; while lawmakers and officials have yet to start enforcing water conservation laws and measures. Some of the plans that the state has been considering include processing waste water into potable water, and piping in water to the city from remote locations. Some residents in Spicewood Beach, a town near Austin, even started trucking water into their communities.
The two groups that have joined efforts to address the problem mention five DIY measure for water conservation. These are fixing leaks, replacing old shower-heads and toilets, using water saving washing machines, conserving water, and reducing the use of water in landscapes and gardens. They also recommend the use of toilets with dual flush systems and drip irrigation systems for lawns.
The dual flush system has two flush stages wherein a partial flush uses only a smaller measured portion of the water in the tank, and a full flush uses the full tank of water, thus providing options for the user. Drip irrigation has been recognized as a practical way of keeping plants watered such that also recommends residents of New Jersey to adopt the same for their lawns. This method involves dripping water to the base of the plant, particularly on its soil or directly to the roots to saturate as much as 98 percent of the site where the water is needed, instead of indiscriminately watering a vast area with a soaker hose or sprinkler.
The drought has affected water reserves, leading to a state-wide shortage. Residents and full-service Austin plumbing contractors are now being called to take action to conserve this limited resource. Grab brooms to clean instead of hoses; and have your plumbing repaired, inspected and upgraded. The fight against drought isn’t for Texas and Texans only, but for Mother Nature as well.
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